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World Environment Day

World Environment Day

At St. Eval, our values are focused on keeping traditions alive and treading softly on the earth. This World Environment Day, we’re raising awareness and inciting action to protect our environment. Dedicated to being a force for good and a voice for change, we wanted to take this opportunity to celebrate our sustainability journey so far, to look toward the future, and to share a few ways we can all make a difference this World Environment Day.

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Blended with Nature

Blended with Nature

Inspired by the wild beauty of our natural surroundings on the North Cornish coast, here at St. Eval we scent our stunning candles with a range of over thirty evocative fragrances. Crafted to aid mindfulness and conjure wonderful aromas, each of our fragrances can inspire powerful reactions in people and by combining different scents together we can create wonderful pairings that evoke a whole new ambience.

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Mental Health Awareness Week | Coping With Anxiety

Mental Health Awareness Week | Coping With Anxiety

Dedicated to raising awareness of important mental health issues, each year in May the Mental Health Foundation hold their Mental Health Awareness Week, shining the spotlight on topics that can affect our mental health and wellbeing. This year's theme is one that can affect anyone: Anxiety. 

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Fragrance Friday | Bluebell Wood

Fragrance Friday | Bluebell Wood

Nestled amidst the nature-adorned coast and countryside of North Cornwall, we at St. Eval feel incredibly blessed by the abundance of surrounding beauty. Inviting the light and natural life indoors, we take inspiration from the most wondrous elements of Cornwall and pay tribute to the wonderful wildlife which is our muse.

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The Big Help Out

The Big Help Out

To mark His Majesty The King's Coronation, thousands of organisations across the country are getting together to give us all the chance to help out in our local communities. A unique initiative, The Big Help Out forms part of the King's Coronation. Starting on Monday 8th May, it's a chance for everybody to experience volunteering in their local area.

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Fragrance Friday | Sandalwood & Cedar

Fragrance Friday | Sandalwood & Cedar

Here at St. Eval we feel utterly blessed to live and work surrounded by Cornwall's stunning coast and countryside, and we've taken our inspiration from these beautiful surroundings as we've created our range of over thirty wonderful fragrances. This week we're stepping behind the fragrance of our new Lamorna collection, delving into the soothing scent of our beautiful Sandalwood & Cedar fragrance.

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